Diffrences between Korea and America
Jag är lugn
I LOVE SM groups but HATE SM itself.
I really think SM needs to clean up all this shit with all of thier groups/artists before they go debut EXO.
Yeah SM has been planning EXO for a long time (and I am looking forward to them) but it just seems like they are pushing everyone else aside.
SM is very biased with their groups as I have seen. (I do not hate any groups in SM and I am part of many of their fandoms)
SM always makes sure things are prefect with SNSD.
SM over works SHINee, they need a fucking break! I think it was kinda stupid to promote them in japan for their whole year, like SNSD released an Album in Japan this year too but they also had a Korean Album. We miss SHINee and want them to ahve a Korean comeback BUT they need a break before they do.
SM why do you treat SuJu like this? They are just as popular as SNSD (maybe even more idk I’m not even an ELF) You don’t even upload their performances to youtube yet you upload EVERYONE of SNSDs? Come on! Stop pushing them aside like they are nothing! SuJu are SUPER TALENTED! They deserve better then this! If the members are mad at you and swearing and shit about it on twitter something is really wrong with your relationship with them.
SM give f(x) a fucking fan club name already! I’m not a huge fan of them but come one! its been 2 years, how long are you gonna wait?
SM what has BoA been doing? Where is she? I really want to see her have a comeback.
SM you need to put more effort into The TRAX. They are soo good but are not being recognized.
SM I’m not even gonna get started on the whole TVXQ thing…. you bring them back, release a Korean Album & then ship them off to japan also. I really don’t get it.
I know their are other SM artist but I’m not gonna get into all of that.
I think SM needs to treat their groups/artists better. For example: YG treates their artist like a family which I think is awseome, YG had messed up before but they always fix it. With the whole GD & Daesung stuff that went on, if that was with SM I don’t even wanna think of what would have happened.
SM should make sure all of their groups/artists have had a comeback or something before they keep prompting one group and leave the other out.
I know some people might not agree with what I think (I’m not asking you to) but I needed to get this out lol."
Kopierar från en awesome person från Tumblr.
Detta är ungefär vad jag känner :/ Orkar bara inte förklara det själv..
Men ja, no hating on me eh?
Everyday I'm fangirling
Naughty shit
Börjar inlägget med en bild, problem? *kavlar upp armarna*
Men ja, jag sitter AT THE EXACT MOMENT hos alva :3 sover över här, tillsammans med lina (y)
Tidigare, som ni kanske märkte, så var vi hos Johannes^^ Social som jag var satt jag och skrev på mina scenarios xD Och Tim busringde på annonser på blocket xD DET var väldigt roande må jag säga!
Oh yeah, johannes satt och snackade med ngn random snubbe på Skype O__o
En annan sak också, MIKU HAR SKAFFAT FACEBOOK.
Så nu kommer jag sitta och stalka den 24/7..
och så en random bild på killarna i 1D! *partyparty*
Sökte på 'The Big Bang Theory' på tumblr:
From girl-ish to tomboy
My house is full of the fucks I don't give
Bam ratatata
Day 8: A k-pop song you know all the words to
To many...
Men jag tar bara ngn random nu:
Så den här dagen hade jag tänkt spendera med att sitta på Tumblr&Youtube och kanske skriva på Fanficen, om jag orkar xD
Och nu hörde jag att vi skulle se Jackass 3 ...
I hate that movie ó__ó
fattar inte meningen med den..Att sitta och ser folk göra sig illa i två timmar...Neje hörrudu, sitter hellre på Youtube och kollar på variety shows (y)
Nu vill Gustav*le lärare* att jag ska komma in och se....FUCK. NO.
I'm international baby
Sitter nu och Alva, som fyller år idag :DDDDD *insert födelsedagssång here*
Hon fyller 14 år, min lilla Tommygumma :D SÄG GRATTIS.
den här veckan kommer bli mucho chillepill 8D Går bara till Torsdag, dock går vi bara till tolv då 83 Och imorgon ska vi typ 'arbeta' i tre timmar med valfritt jobb eller ngt e__e *totalt glömt vad vi ska göra* Sen på Onsdag så ska vi se film hela dagen :D *Oppa Oppa dance* Och seeeeen på Torsdag ska niorna hålla ngn frågesport och så ska vi få våra betyg^^
Sen på sista rasten satt jag och tvingade Myo att lyssna på SuJu (y) Började med att jag satt och lyssnade på 'Oppa har risen' och då bad jag Myo att också lyssna på den e___e Seeen tvingade jag honom att lyssna på Santa U are the one och han gillade den O__O
Och den rasten spenderade vi med att kolla på Heechul's goodbyestage(grät nästan TT__TT), Wonder Boys och något annat också som jag helt har glömt bort xD Sa också till Myo att jag tyckte att Donghae ser ut som en Dino och att Kyuhyun ser ut som en fisk, hans reaktion:
Jag&Myo: *kollar på Santa U Are The One*
Jag: *dreglar på tangentbordet*
Myo: Asså, vissa av de här ser ju ut som snubbarna från Super Junior O_o
Jag: Det är för att det är Super Junior =__= *mental facepalm*
Myo: JAAHAAA, men det står ju SMTOWN..?
Jag: *mental facepalmx2* Men själva bolaget heter SM och de har massa andra artister/grupper som SHINee,SuJu,BoA,TVXQO,F(x),Girls Generation...
Jag: *facepalm igen*
Myo&Jag: *fortsätter att kolla fridfullt på de söta små pöjkarna*
Förlåt för min sega uppdatering men pappa har kopplat ur vårat internet så jag har ingen åtkomst till det e___e
Så jag bloggar från en av skolans datorer nu :D
Men ja, jag kommer blogga när jag får tillgång till en dator och internet, bara så ni vet!
Oh, and be ze way, klippte mig i måndags :3
Passar det? :3
I wanna stay up all night and jump around untill we see the sun
Jag är hos Alva nu :3 Hon sitter och kollar på min mååbiilphåån och jag har just suttit och hjälpt henne att skriva på hennes novell 8D
Vi ska väl egentligen sova nu men...FUCK NO.
Imorgon efter skolan så ska jag in till bussen in till Boden för jag ska på le "hemlig" möte ;O IT'S TOP SECRET.
och ni får veta när jag har kommit hem D: Eller kanske senare...beror på mitt humör xD
Wellwell, nu ska jag se Beastly ~
Slänger in lite smått komiska bilder från moí Tumblr :
Och klockan har varit efter tolv ett bra tag i Korea så,
Happy Birthday Panda-oppa, I wish that you get to live many more years and that you can be able to be the awesome maknae as you always are <3 Saranghae ~
Btw, I hope that you and Big Bang can get your finger out of your asses and plan a motherfucking world tour so you can come to Sweden ó__ó And I think I'm speaking for all of the Swedish V.I.Ps when I say this!
Like a fool, go away
Boy, you’ve already reached the limit on my phone bill
Ugh, I can’t take it anymore… Sai, sai, said I’m just a friend?
This is the best life
But the worst moment
A shattered display
I will never cry, this is my pride
Did you hear the rumor? Sai, sai, said I’m lookin’ fine.
If it’s a hint, I got only one shot
And I’m gonna take it
But we wont meet up
I endlessly ask myself
Why am I in love?
Flailing my pillow about
Throwing everything inside my room
Go away, right now
I’m already leaving
And I’ll be the first to forget
I just want to be free
Like a fool, go away
It’s not a translation of my sadness
Now you’re just a sick boy
Cuz love is over, love love is over tonight
Just say what you gotta say
An unsophisticated ending
Fiance? Beyonce
I’m walking out of destiny
From a lonely person to a magnificent solo
That’s my way
I’m doing it without regrets
You can’t have my trust now
All you do is act a fool
You ain’t shit without your crew
There’s no time, I gotta go
Annyeong, good-bye, adios
I never want to see your face again
No more
I’m calling up my friends
Changing into flashy clothes
Laughing with all our strength
Forgetting everything
Go away, right now
I’m already leaving
And I’ll be the first to forget
I just want to be free
Like a fool, go away
It’s not a translation of my sadness
Now you’re just a sick boy
Cuz love is over, love love is over tonight
Go away eeee go away eeee go away eeee go away eeee
Go away, right now
I’m already leaving
And I’ll be the first to forget
I just want to be free
Like a fool, go away
It’s not a translation of my sadness
Now you’re just a sick boy
Cuz love is over, love love is over tonight
Day 7: A k-pop song that makes you cry
Pack your shit it's adios
Day 6: Your favourite k-pop song from your favourite girl group
So tired ...
Novell, CHECK!
Novell ~
Day 5: Your favourite k-pop song from your favourite guy group
Day 4: Your ultimate k-pop girl bias
Klöst _/
It's the most beautiful time of the year ~
*fangirl scream*
Day 3: Your ultimate k-pop guy bias
Jaejoong kalsong ~
Day 2: Your favourite k-pop girl group
Day 1: Your favourite k-pop guy group
Day 1: Your favourite k-pop guy group
Day 2: Your favourite k-pop girl group
Day 3: Your ultimate k-pop guy bias
Day 4: Your ultimate k-pop girl bias
Day 5: Your favourite k-pop song from your favourite guy group
Day 6: Your favourite k-pop song from your favourite girl group
Day 7: A k-pop song that makes you cry
Day 8: A k-pop song you know all the words to
Day 9: Your favourite k-pop performance
Day 10: A k-pop dance you'd like to learn
Day 11: Your favourite k-pop music video
Day 12: The very first k-pop song you've ever heard
Day 13: A k-pop group you dislike and why
Day 14: A k-pop song that makes you smile
Day 15: A k-pop singer/idol's voice you love
Day 16: Your favourite k-pop lyric (and a translation)
Day 17: A k-pop idol you wish was your older sibling
Day 18: A k-pop idol you wish was your younger sibling
Day 19: Your favourite interview of a k-pop idol or group
Day 20: Your favourite picture of your guy k-pop bias
Day 21: Your favourite picture of your girl k-pop bias
Day 22: Your favourite picture of your favourite k-pop group
Day 23: A picture of a k-pop idol who you think is underrated
Day 24: A picture of a k-pop idol who you think is overrated
Day 25: Your favourite k-pop otp
Day 26: Your favourite cover of a k-pop song by another k-pop artist
Day 27: Your favourite kpop dance
Day 28: Your favourite cover of an American song by a k-pop artist
Day 29: A k-pop song you never get tired of
Day 30: A k-pop idol that has amazing eye smiles